Thursday, November 20, 2008


Election Day! How exciting was that! Oh wait it was not because it was raining and miserable outside. So my friend Aaron and I slowly became wet as we stood outside the high school handing out Democratic sample ballots. Since we were there in the later afternoon, I thought that we would catch all of the people coming home from work. However, and this was very interesting to me that most of the people that came to vote between the times of 4 to 7 were housewives whose kids stayed outside running outside the high school. So for the most part it was boring but at least I got to experience it with a friend.
You could totally tell who the Republicans and Democrats were, especially with the clothes and such. And it was cool to see voters in action, the undecided the overly confident, it was awesome. By the end of the day, my feet were freezing and my clothes were wet and it was time to go home. But at the same time I was wanting to go home I felt as if I was a part of history, especially with Obama winning!

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