Monday, November 3, 2008


PREDICTIONS YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay okay. so it has been an intense election but in the end there can only be one winner...and in this case its going to be...BARRACK OBAMA! Hands down. Let's be honest have you seen the polls lately? Also some recent news has just released that the states are changing in his favor. 

Look at this it is my favorite and you can totally put your predictions and see that Obama is in the lead. CNN also offers other features that help you determine your predictions. 

As in terms of swing states, I think Virginia will go Blue because Obama has been ahead in the polls in Virginia and in my recent service hours most people I have contacted have been fans of Obama and have strong feelings against McCain and Palin. 
Another state that is currently undecided is Florida and I believe that it might go McCain because of the population of senior citizens and they are the largest and most conservative of the age groups and they also vote the most. 

Well I guess we will see tomorrow ...even though we already know the answer. 

1 comment:

SinginMolly09 said...

I'm totally trusting the polls. Obama has this in the bag.At lot of people are trying to pretend like the race is really tight, but come on, it's so not. Even my parents, who are really staunch Republicans are like, "It's over." Virginia really making history by most likely going blue. I just wonder if Florida is going to have the same problems they did in 2000 because of their inability to conclude whether their blue or red. Hopefully the undecided get out and vote today, they could make a huge difference. See ya later!