Thursday, June 11, 2009

CE #1

Overdue and rushed, I am finally posting my current events and senior reflections. So here it goes...An event which may shock most has occurred at the Holocaust museum where a security guard was shot and killed by a white supremacist. With the emergence of this, I feel that this hate crime is outdated and embarrassing, especially in an age where people are accepting all races and other cultures. It is surprising to find that while there is more appreciation in the world, people still live in the cloud of ignorance of hatred and bigotry. While I usually don't condone death on people, I think the shooter deserves to die the same way his victim had to, and it would be better if he died in the shame that he has caused all of America to feel. The ridiculous manner of the crime has not only made me aware of how people are in the world, but also how I should approach life myself.

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