Thursday, April 2, 2009


AIG cannot catch a break. First, they need help and now that help is being used selfishly, if using bailout money for bonuses is selfish...In the editorial, a different approach to the AIG scandal was told. Yes, it is bad that AIG would use bailout money for bonuses, but on the other hand, how were those workers supposed to get the bonuses that were promised in their contracts. Yes, this is tough times and people should be especially flexible to the ever changing economy, but is it fair that they don't get the bonuses they deserve. In my opinion, which I feel has no value now, would to be just give the bonuses in incraments if they have to. That way, the employees will get their money somehow and someday and then technically their contracts will still be followed. I'm just saying...I should totally be an economist.

CE #4 I believe...

As of now we know that the schools in Fairfax Co will not be opening later. But before the decision was made, what were the benefits and or consequenses of making school open later? For once, kids could get the better reccomended amount of sleep, however, if school were to start later, than there would be the option of staying up later than usual. Maybe if I were still a freshman I would like to have school open earlier. But as a senior, with much experience in waking up awfully early, I would rather wake up early and get the school day over with, so I could have atleast some hours of realxation. Imagine if school were to start later. School would end at 3 pm at the earliest. For those kids interested in sports, practice would go well into the night. And what about homework, when would there be anytime for that? NEVER! I am glad that the board decided to keep the hours early, because if I had to do for four years, so should my predecessors...

CE #?

OKAY, so finally I am updating my the last minute. One editorial that intrigued me was one on racial gerrymandering. With all the restrictions preventing gerrymandering, I thought it would be over and done with. However, there have been reports of racial gerrymandering in the state of North Carolina, where one district was created around predominantly black neighborhoods which would influence the Democratic vote. I am a little confused to how this district even passed the restrictions, like connecting the borders and such. As recent as 1990 and beyond, there is still the argument over whether the gerrymandering should be allowed or not. In my opinion, I think it should totally be eliminated, because although it might not have to deal with racial tensions, it is just another way of isolation, which I think is unfair to voters who want to make a difference in their community than rather have the same administrations over and over again. I was very surprised with the information of gerrymandering, especially racial gerrymandering still in existence.