Thursday, November 20, 2008


Election Day! How exciting was that! Oh wait it was not because it was raining and miserable outside. So my friend Aaron and I slowly became wet as we stood outside the high school handing out Democratic sample ballots. Since we were there in the later afternoon, I thought that we would catch all of the people coming home from work. However, and this was very interesting to me that most of the people that came to vote between the times of 4 to 7 were housewives whose kids stayed outside running outside the high school. So for the most part it was boring but at least I got to experience it with a friend.
You could totally tell who the Republicans and Democrats were, especially with the clothes and such. And it was cool to see voters in action, the undecided the overly confident, it was awesome. By the end of the day, my feet were freezing and my clothes were wet and it was time to go home. But at the same time I was wanting to go home I felt as if I was a part of history, especially with Obama winning!


The next time I volunteered I was not in the hot sun or the luxury of getting doors slammed in my face. Oh no, this time I was lucky to get angry people yell at me on the phone. However, it was much more enjoyable than canvassing. It was a weird room and we all got our own phones and our own seats to make everyone of our calls. I decided to park on the random couch in the room, more privacy and in an isolated corner. At first my calls contained of people who had already been called and were mad at me! At me of all people! But as time went on, I began to talk to some interesting people. One woman I talked to said that she would have never imagined voting for a black president. She talked about her family and how when she was growing up, her family looked down on other races and now she felt “awesome” by defying her family and voting for a black man aka Obama. What was funny was that she was 65 years old and the thought of defying her parents was still a thrill! I also got to sound like a robot when I left the standard prompt messages…which I guess is always great…

Wait till you hear about election day…

Monday, November 17, 2008


The day was November 1st when I started my serivice hours and I was actually glad that I waited until the last minute because that was when the election was the worst and people were determining their decisions. I had yet to know what I was in for and I knew that what ever I was going to do, I was going to hate it regardless. Not that I have a problem with volunteering, but it was the day after Halloween and I was tired from a night of fun. Anyway, I showed up at 10 AM like I agreed to and instantly knew I was not making any calls or licking any envelopes. It was hot and sticky outside, surprising for Noevermber 1st. So anyway I ended up canvassing and getting doors slammed in my face. Some did not speak english, some looked at me with a blank stare and others were just mean. I was so glad when my four hours were up because I was about to legit quit and not do the project!

Oh and I dropped flyers in front of someone's house...

Monday, November 3, 2008


PREDICTIONS YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay okay. so it has been an intense election but in the end there can only be one winner...and in this case its going to be...BARRACK OBAMA! Hands down. Let's be honest have you seen the polls lately? Also some recent news has just released that the states are changing in his favor. 

Look at this it is my favorite and you can totally put your predictions and see that Obama is in the lead. CNN also offers other features that help you determine your predictions. 

As in terms of swing states, I think Virginia will go Blue because Obama has been ahead in the polls in Virginia and in my recent service hours most people I have contacted have been fans of Obama and have strong feelings against McCain and Palin. 
Another state that is currently undecided is Florida and I believe that it might go McCain because of the population of senior citizens and they are the largest and most conservative of the age groups and they also vote the most. 

Well I guess we will see tomorrow ...even though we already know the answer. 

CE #6

Sarah Palin is once again burned...literally. This week in Battle, England on their annual burning of a famous politician, Palin was the lucky candidate this year. A caricature like sculpture of her holding a machine gun, examplifying her hunting skills as well as her feminimity with bright red lipstick emphasizing her huge lips. In the past they have done politicians such as Tony Blair and this year even included our next president Barrack Obama. Honestly, I think its funny but to others this seemed as an act of immaturity and hate, because these people are not even American. Some of the townspeople in Battle said "it is not that we hate her, she is just a very interesting person in this election." This makes Palin stand out to an even more extent now that the elections are tomorrow! So if you can vote, go vote :D!