Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The countdown is continuing as the Presidential election is merely 35 days away. Now should be the time that voters get their priorities in order, as in registering, understanding their views and understanding the candidates opinions. While watching the debate that took place this past Friday I found that the most important issue to me was not gay marriage, not the environment, but the one I least expected, the economy.

Applying to college is just one of the many stressors that have entered my life. While investigating colleges and such I have come to pay much more attention to the cost and how I would obtain the money for my college education. This is what made me start to think of the economy which is falling into a state of depression. I realized that without a stable economy and with the recent failure of major banks and companies, it might be even more difficult to get loans and grants for college. Freaking out (as I usually do about college relations) I decided to tune into the debate and see which candidate has the best idea in fixing this financial problem, so that I can go to college. Especially so I can go to college.

To my surprise, and my luck, the first question asked by Jim Lehrer was about the financial crisis! Although neither one of them answered the question directly (they were supposed to share their view point on the crisis) I thought that Senator Obama did much better in laying out his plan than McCain did. Once again, this was based on organization and how efficient his plans seem to be. I liked how Obama separated his into numbers, for example his second plan is to make sure that money goes back into the market, if the $700 billion bill were to pass. Maybe if McCain presented his plan with confidence I could consider his ideas but his lack of persuasion skills just throws me off.

Now, in terms of how the debate was as a whole I felt that it was not as intense and interesting as it could have been. I was expecting dogfights and roaring attacks when instead I got stuttering, indecisive answers, or any answers for that matter. The only intense moment I saw was when McCain was getting a little heated when they were talking about the War in Iraq but other than that I was not that enthused. Also the “informalities” taking place were kind of awkward. McCain decided not to talk to Obama directly while Obama got too comfortable and started calling him John. Since when were they on a first name basis…on any basis for that matter?

Well if this didn’t do it for me, maybe the Vice Presidential debate will have more to offer. Especially since Sarah Palin will be there…speaking…against Biden. Can’t wait! Until next time…


Monday, September 29, 2008


This week my current event follows the states that are in critical condition for the election. For example, Virginia could possibly defy its past elections by voting Democratic. However, I feel that Virginia will still vote Republican based on the bottom half of Virginia. But you never know.

Also the issue of Georgia. Now, maybe they could possibly vote Democrat because Obama has payed limbs just to campaign in that state. I would not be surprised if McCain's polls were down and Georgia, because honestly if I lived in Georgia and all I saw was Obama on the television it would totally get my vote because media influences everything.

So it will be interesting to see which states will go for who. And on the brightside, I finally found a computer that has great connection! Tune in for next time with my comments on the great debate!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


The days are counting down as November 4th, otherwise known as Election Day, is approaching. As everyone waits in anticipation, the issues and controversies between presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama are heating up, especially with the introduction of Sarah Palin of Alaska as McCain's running mate. So like most citizens in America I have my own opinion on what I believe in and the issues that I care most about.

First of all, prior to this Presidential Election I was not much of a political person. I was always influenced by my surroundings, like my family and my lack of knowledge hindered my chance at becoming "politically active." However, in the recent months all I have heard about is the 2008 Election and I thought that maybe this was something that I should be in tune with, especially since in the near future I am destined to be out in the politically driven world. Although I still side with my family on certain views, I now understand what these issues are all about and how they will effect the nation. So I have refined my own ideology and standards as if I were going to be a voter in the upcoming election.

Now, if I were to not vote for myself, which is iffy, I would definitely vote for Barack Obama. One reason is that my family and I have always followed a more liberal and democratic appeal in past elections and presently I feel that Obama, although "inexperienced", could do a great job as President. He communicates well with Americans and that is a positive point to me because I feel a connection with the government and my part rather than just listening and trying to understand. His personality really brightens up the image of politics for me and whenever I see him talk I always have a feeling of empowerment, that I can succeed if this man, the first African American to accept the candidacy for President, can stand up in front of thousands and show his true colors.

In terms of issues I stand pretty liberal on the social issues. For example, a woman should have the choice to go through with an abortion, same sex marriages should be allowed, and the gun laws should be under more control...because guns are scary. Now, although Obama wants to only legalize "civil unions" he is making the effort of change and believes that although in a civil union, gays, lesbians, etc. should have the same rights as those who are married as man and woman. McCain believes traditionally that marriage is between man and woman, but interestingly thinks it is up to the states on this issue. I can understand McCain's viewpoint and that he'd rather have people locally choose opposed to him changing the law and possibly making the wrong decision.

Another issue that is super important is the Economic status. For this one, I am for Obama all the way. He has a plan to help those in need, for example he will give a $250 tax cut to families with workers and also extensions of unemployment insurance. McCain wants to cut down the corporate tax by 10%, but for the sake of technology, not the people. I would rather want a president who will commit to the citizens of America first than its technology. Just saying...that I can trust a man with a well thought out and organized plan...but I'm just saying.

So as the weeks go on I will elaborate on more of my political standing and my progress of becoming president. Don't forget to participate in the poll on the right and while you're at it, catch up on the latest celebrity gossip or beat your highest score in Breakout! Until the next time!

Your Fellow American,